Friday, May 31, 2013

The Devil's Notebook [Part 4]

Quotes from SS Obersturmfuhrer Otto Rahn & Hans F Gunther

Otto Rahn (quotes taken from his book "Lucifer's Court")

“Like German heretics, they probably greeted each other with the salutation ‘Hail Lucifer, who was wronged! Greetings to you!’" [Hence his being greeted with “Hail Lucifer, who was wronged! Greetings to you!” upon reading this book in front of a Nazi gathering]

“The Cathars had another name for him [Lucifer]: Lucibel. He was not the devil. First the Jews and then the papists downgraded him to that.”

“There is light in the Light Bringer’s house – more light than in all the cathedrals and churches and places of worship, where Lucifer is nowhere to be seen among the Jewish prophets and apostles or Roman gods and other holy ones painted on dark glass panes. His forest is free!”

“Lucifer sent the morning star and the grandmother sent the evening star. The same star is called Lucifer or Venus. By no means has it fallen from our sky!”

“In the mountains and forests oun au descoubrit Apollon, where Apollo is discovered, it is still possible to hear in the rushing waters and trees the long lost and courageous lore of the old gods who were made into idols and devils.”

“Ignatius of Loyola, the founder of the Jesuit order, would have gladly belonged to the ‘chosen people.’ He once stated that he would have regarded it as a very special favor from God if he were of Jewish heritage and thus ‘a blood relative of our Lord Jesus and our beloved Lady, the most Blessed Virigin Mary.’”

“I am German, but for Jesuits, ‘there cannot be a separation of peoples into nations and races; for them there are only people who struggle under the flag of Lucifer and people who fight under the flag of Christ.’ Concerning my own faith, I am fighting under the flag of Lucifer.”

“Do you believe in Jehovah in whose service the bells of your Tyrolean cathedrals and churches and chapels toll from the early morning to late evening and his gatekeeper St. Peter, who live on the Palestinian Sea of Galilee but never in the land of Tyrol, will allow you into heaven to be received into Abraham’s fold? They abandoned you to hell!  Go confidently there at any time, whether or not you have found death in the mountains, in the rose garden, where people of your kind have so gladly done! Lucifer’s courtiers, to whom you belong, are to be found there. To enter this Luciferian realm, which is not heaven, you do not need that key that represents Jehovah and Jesus Christ’s governor in Rome, who sits on the holy throne  occupied by Peter. To unlock the gates to Lucifer’s realm you need a Dietrich, a ‘skeleton key.’ To partake in rose magic, we must secretly unlock the gates to this wonderland.”

“Prospective priests, they have betrayed life and its natural law.”

“To reach this mountain, Lucifer, that Apollyon of the New Testament, wished to pass over the highest clouds. Instead Jehovah cast him to the bottom of the deepest pit; for this Jewish God of intolerance, the paradisal Asgard became a place for the damned: hell.”

“Our heaven speaks only to the pure ones, not to base or mixed-raced creatures – but to Aryans, the noble and lordly!”

“We did not pray to Jehovah because this divinity was a God for the Jews and hasn’t any relevance for us.”

Hans F Gunther 

Note that Gunther was awarded the Goethe award personally by Adolf Hitler for his writings*

“Indeed, people have even spoken in an erroneous way of a “Christian Antiquity”. What I described as Indo-European religiosity thus pertains to those periods in the history of the Indo-European peoples when the soul of the Nordic race could still express itself with sufficient vigour.”

“But there is no satisfactory exposition of Indo-European religiosity as such, and where such a description has been attempted, it is often either deliberately or unconsciously measured with yard-sticks derived from the Jewish-Christian world. We owe it to ourselves, however, as Teutons and as Indo-Europeans to seek out the true nature of Indo-European religiosity.”

“…the “fear of the Lord” (Proverbs, ix. 10; Psalms, cxi. 10) has proved neither the beginning of belief nor of wisdom.”

“In Christianity the conduct of the faithful before God is freely interpreted by the term humilis, and hence humility, meaning literally slave mind or serving the tribe, is demanded as the essence of religiosity. But this is non-Indo-European in outlook, an after-effect of oriental religiosity. Because he is not a slave before an omnipotent God, the Indo-European mostly prays not kneeling nor prostrated to earth, but standing with his eyes gazing upward and his arms stretched out before him.”

“Andreas Heusler (Germanentum, 1934, pp. 47, 48, 119, 122) has asserted that among the Northern Teutons there was quite enough violence, but never cruelty; only after the introduction of Christianity did converted zealots behave cruelly towards their countrymen. With the conversion of the North, an alien wave of cruelty entered the land.”

“The Gods who had been common to the Indians and Iranians now passed into the background behind the one Ahura Mazda, after whom Mazdaism is named. These other Gods, preserved in India, in Iran became the sacred immortals (amesha spentas) the representatives of the moral virtues. They were later regarded as the messengers (Greek: angeloi) of Ahura Mazda, and the archangels created by Jewish and Christian legends were modelled on them.”

“The French mystic and scholar, Amalric of Bena, who died in Paris about 1206, was even cursed after his death by the Church because he rationally rejected the teachings of God as a creator, and because he had asserted that such a God must be responsible for the sorrow of all living creatures and for the vices of man, since he had created them all. Amalric, the Pantheistic mystic, knew as a result of his Indo-European disposition, that the justification (Theodicy) by the all-powerful, all-knowing, and all-merciful God, of the evils of his creation, was impossible.”

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